She's my angel who I call upon very often

"I have had the pleasure to try several services Danille offers: Health Coaching, Intuitive Energy Medicine and her personalized Flower Essences. 

The health coaching experience really helped me to pinpoint my focus and create a plan to help me stay on my path and she helps keep me accountable when life and a very stressful job gets in the way. 

Because of my experience with her for health coaching, I was very interested to try her Intuitive Energy Medicine session and was able to purchase a package deal on her etsy store for a personalized flower essence and a 30 minute phone energy session. The energy work was an amazing and enlightening experience. I felt so light and could feel her healing energy right thru the phone!  I love love the flower essence she created for me. I take that daily, and the lemongrass and sage perfume smells heavenly and just calms me down. 

Very recently in another energy session, Danille was able to warn me of a serious medical issue occurring in my abdomen area. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor and the routine blood test showed abnormally high liver levels and my doctor told me I was lucky I came in when I did, as I would have ended up in the hospital. My liver wasn't functioning normally due to gallstones in my bile duct.  It took lots of blood tests, a sonogram and a MRI to show what was wrong. Danille could see something was wrong very easily and I'm completely grateful to her and for her amazing gifts."

She's my angel who I call upon very often.  : )

Joanne B., Financial Controller